The Grove Park Foundation’s Financial Capability Partnership, Neighborhood Opportunities for Wealth (N.O.W.) Program is underway and remains dedicated to the mission of investing in the lives of individuals and families that live and work in Grove Park and in designated surrounding neighborhoods.
The N.O.W Program workshops held from January through March (prior to COVID-19) incorporated core components of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Money Smart Training course curriculum:
1) Your Money Values & Influences
2) Money Habits
3) You Can Bank On It
4) Your Income & Expenses
The remaining course sessions and all other future sessions will be available online and by virtual meeting.
The NOW Program has 6-month and 12-month program tracks in which participants receive exclusive access to financial management education and participate in one-on-one coaching sessions that address their specific personal financial and credit challenges.
Participants will also be assisted with eligibility for the more than 500 affordable rental and homeownership units planned for development in the Grove Park neighborhood.
The N.O.W. Program aims to engage and provide free services to 1,500 eligible residents living or working in Grove Park, 30318 neighborhoods and the specific 30314 neighborhoods of Collier Heights, Dixie Hills, Harvel Homes, Hunter Hills and West Lake.
Experienced partnering agencies are helping to lead the N.O.W. Program’s integrated financial capability model – to include comprehensive budget and credit building workshops, one-on-one coaching, housing affordability readiness, employment training and placement, neighborhood-based microenterprise and cooperative development, and records expungement.
To learn more about, join or support the N.O.W. program, consider one of the following:
1. Watch the orientation video.
2. Enroll in the program by following this link.
3. Send us an email (Intake@groveparkfoundation.org) or call us at 404.301.4466, extension 3.
4. Check out the program brochure, which is directly below: